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【翻译】Advice and Trust 序幕:我们现在在哪里

发表于 2024-2-8 03:23:43 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Advice and Trust (1-4 Gemimi)
Author: Strypgia
Original Link: https://forums.sufficientvelocit ... and-trust-nge.8768/
And many thanks to Detoreik for the permission to use their wonderful artwork of Shinji and Asuka for the banner. Go check out their DeviantArt Page.
非常感谢 Detoreik 允许我们使用他们为横幅创作的精彩的真嗣和明日香的艺术作品。快去看看他们的 DeviantArt 页面。

  一轮新月从第三新东京市的上空升起,皎洁满月映照在神奈川芦之湖上。温暖的秋夜里月光静静洒向美里所在的那栋公寓楼,一台老式的 SDAT 磁带复录机透过窗沿的光线与书桌附近的尘埃交相辉映,无人的卧室一片寂静,但居室外的客厅却是十分热闹。
  「所以别害怕,真嗣。明日香虽然很吵,但她也是个好孩子。你们俩很像,知道吗?你们都没人疼爱,但都努力想成为 EVA 驾驶员……她努力让自己成为最好的那一个,是因为她不想让别人觉得她没用,她不甘成为第二名……」


在走廊对面的房间里,一台老式 SDAT 磁带播放器放在桌子上,沐浴在月光中,积满了灰尘。它已经两个月没被碰过了;不再需要撤退和逃离世界了。

Chapter 1 雪花、雪球和雪崩

Two months earlier
--- 两个月前---

"Hey, Shinji, do you want to kiss?" Asuka tapped her fingers on the table, staring at him from where her head lay in her arms.

He couldn't believe the garbled words were what he'd thought he'd heard, and pulled the SDAT earbuds out. "What?"
他不敢相信自己听到的含糊不清的话语就是他以为自己听到的,于是拔掉了 SDAT 耳机。“什么?”

"To kiss. A kiss? You've never kissed, right? Then let's do it."

This had to be a trick. Asuka suddenly being nice... more than nice to him? "Why?"

"Because I'm bored." “因为我无聊。”

Definitely a trick. "Because you're bored? But..."

"You don't want to kiss a girl on the anniversary of your mom's death? Afraid she may be watching you from Heaven?" A sly look at him.

"Not really." “倒也不是。”

"Or are you scared?"

His anger surged. "I'm not scared of a little kiss!"

"You brushed your teeth, right?"

He nodded. 他点了点头。

"Then, here I go."

She walked closer to him, halting close enough he could see her pulse jumping as fast as his at her throat. He felt himself blushing as he closed his eyes in anticipation. After nothing happened for a second he cracked his eyes open to find Asuka staring at him from just inches away, her expression unreadable.

"Don't breathe, because it tickles." Slim fingertips pinched his nose shut just before her lips met his.

Shinji's brain and body locked up. 'This is happening! This is really happening!' He was afraid to move, afraid to think, afraid to do anything that might wake him up from this dream. He'd say he was afraid to breathe, but that was already covered by her pinching fingers. The beautiful, exotic foreign girl who was literally the subject of more than a few of his fantasies was kissing him. Her soft, soft lips were pressed against his, and it felt amazing. His head swam with the dizzying feel of her tongue hesitantly probing at his own, the strawberry-balsam scent of her hair, the warmth of her body so close to his...

...and, unfortunately, oxygen deprivation. He started to feel dizzy a bit more directly than from the sheer hormonal rush accounted for, but the kiss felt so good he didn't want it to ever end. His knees started to buckle. He had to do something! If he collapsed, that would break the kiss!

He desperately reached out for the closest means of support to stay upright: Asuka. His hands haphazardly gained a grip on her hips and lower back, tugging her towards him as he stabilized himself. With a gentle thump, their bodies bumped together.

Shinji was about to let their bodies bounce back apart when he felt her hand leave his nose and come to rest on his shoulder. Her other arm came up to curl around his, her hand pressing against his shoulder blade. Pressing rather firmly, come to think of it. Asuka was definitely not upset with them being up against each other like this. In fact, she was starting to make some very happy noises. Increasingly pleased sounding 'mmms' and such hummed out of her as her tongue's fencing with his suddenly became much more vigorous. Her arm against him tightened.

His own grip reflexively tightened likewise. 'Wait... is she... is she enjoying this as much as I am? More? This... this isn't just kissing because she's bored or wants to see what it's like anymore...' His initial annoyance at her goading him into the kiss was all but gone, replaced by dawning surprise. 'She's... she's liking this. She's liking kissing me. She wanted to kiss me. Me?!' Light went off behind his eyes. 'She... likes me?' She certainly wasn't stopping the kiss, at least.

Their bodies hadn't really stopped from the wobble their crashing together had started. The swaying increased slowly until they were stutter-stepping backwards across the dining room towards the living room, still holding each other tightly together. Their erratic, blind path ended with Shinji's heels encountering one of the beanbags near the TV. He toppled backwards into the beanbag, their mutual grip pulling Asuka down to end up sprawled on top of him.

The impact of the landing briefly interrupted the kiss. Shinji opened his mouth to say something in surprise at the trip, but Asuka's lips met his again before he even got the first syllable out. He did not protest, his arms wrapping more fully around her back, savoring the warm, solid feel of her against him. His hands slowly stroked up and down her back. He still felt dizzy, but this wasn't a feeling he wanted to stop. He felt like someone had blown the top of his head off and it was spinning somewhere around the ceiling.

He couldn't tell how long they lay there. Eventually, the nearly frenetic pace of their kissing slowed to more languid, relaxed ones. Finally they broke off for a longer pause, breathing hard, foreheads pressed together. Shinji struggled for what to say.

"Wow. That was….um….wow."

"Yeah," she responded just as softly. Her eyes were still closed.

His brain was still spinning from the high. He couldn't come up with anything coherent to say. His mouth kept running without consulting him, however.

"You're beautiful." “你很漂亮。”

That got Asuka's eyes open. Her sparkling blue stare pinned him in place. "What?"

"You were right, I've never kissed anyone before and I'm so glad it was you for my first kiss and it was incredible and you're so beautiful and I think I really like you and oh shit I'm going to stop talking now."

Heavy silence descended. Pen-Pen toddled out of his freezer, looked in at them, cocked his head, and returned to his freezer once more after acquiring a new beer. Shinji swallowed heavily.

Suddenly, Asuka spoke up. "Say it again," she demanded quietly.

He tensed. "Um….say what again?"

"What you just said. Say it again."

"I'm glad you were my first kiss, it was incredible, you're beautiful, and I…" he gulped again. "I think I like you?"

More silence. 又是一阵沉默。

Asuka turned her head, burying her face in the side of his neck. "Do you mean it?"

Shinji tried not to shake. He couldn't see her eyes, and her voice was …there was something intense in her tone, but he couldn't tell what. He did get the feeling that he better be very honest about what he said next, though.

"Yes." “是的。”

A much longer silence.

"I like you too."

Shinji's ears insisted that was what Asuka had whispered right in his ear, her voice almost inaudible. He froze, his arms still wrapped around her. "What?"

She turned her head back to face him again. "Do you think I'm the kind of girl who'll just kiss anybody?" she asked sharply, a bit of her usual fire seeping back into her voice.

"You just said you wanted to kiss me because you were bored!"

"I lied." Her eyes dropped away from his. "I wanted to kiss you. Because I wanted to know what it felt like."

"You did?" A distant part of Shinji's brain tried to butt in with the observation that his last few contributions to the conversation had not been that impressive. "Why?"

"I don't know! I just keep thinking about it! I'm not supposed to be attracted to boys like you! I'm supposed to want a real man like Kaji! I'm not supposed to be wondering what it would feel like to kiss you, to have your arms around me! It's not supposed to feel this good to do it! It's not supposed to feel so good to be lying here with you! I shouldn't want this to never end..." Her outburst ran down into confusion. "Why is it you?"

"I...I don't know?" “我……我不知道?”

Asuka puffed her cheeks our in frustration. "Well...why do you like me, then?"

"Because you're the most beautiful girl I've ever seen. Because you're brilliant, have the most amazing eyes, and are so damn alive. You... you push me, get at me like no one else. I... I can never figure out how to talk to you, but I... like seeing you smile."

Asuka colored a bit. "You... you've got nice eyes too." She blinked. "Wait, if you feel like that about me, why didn't you ever respond any of the other times I tried to flirt with you? I've been trying to get you to do something for weeks!"

"Wait, other times? What other times?"

"When a girl walks up to you in a bikini and starts using her chest as a physics demo, she's trying to get your attention!"

"Oh." “哦。”

"'Oh'? What about during our synchronization training? We were alone all night and I even invited you into my room, but you didn't do anything!"

Shinji frowned at that one. "You didn't invite me in, you told me to stay out! 'The impenetrable wall of Jerko' you said!"

"Jericho. I... wait, you... You don't know that story? It's in the Bible! The walls of Jericho fell, Third! I wanted you to come in!"

Shinji tried vainly to close his gaping mouth. "What?! But... we were alone! We could... I...I didn't know! My Sensei never covered the Bible!"

Asuka just narrowed her eyes at him. "What Sensei?"

"The one my father abandoned me with after my mother died in an accident with the Eva! Not that you'd understand that," he bit out. It was not a comfortable memory. He pinched his eyes closed as the painful image of his father's retreating back welled up once again.
“在我母亲因与 EVA 发生事故而死后,我父亲把我丢给他的那个人!不是说你会理解,”他脱口而出。那不是一段愉快的回忆。他闭上眼睛,他父亲离去的背影再次浮现在脑海中,他感到痛苦。

But when he opened them again, Asuka was staring at him like she'd seen a ghost. "Me too."

Shinji blinked. That couldn't be what she just said.

Her arms squeezed him tighter as her gaze went far away. "My mother... There was an accident with Unit-02... She... died, eventually. My father... didn't mourn very long." Her mouth twisted sourly. "So yes, Third Child, I know exactly what that felt like!"
她的目光飘向远方,双臂紧紧地搂着他。“我的母亲……Unit-02 发生了一场事故……她……最终死了。我的父亲……并没有哀悼多久。”她的嘴痛苦地扭曲着。“所以是的,第三适格者,我知道那种感觉!”

Shinji sat stunned, his mind trying to grapple with her shocking revelation. Asuka... had felt the same kind of loss as he had? She'd had her mother ripped away from her, and even younger than him? She... was like him?

"Your father abandoned you after your mother was gone," he said.

She looked at him sharply again. She opened her mouth to say something, but stopped. Her forehead wrinkled in thought for a moment. "You have nightmares all the time about it. The memory keeps coming after you when you try to sleep," she said eventually. It was only half a question.

Shinji nodded slowly, never breaking her eyes. A memory of Asuka weeping in her sleep, whimpering for her Mama floated across his mind. "It's hard to sleep. You feel lonely and cold at night, because no one ever held you after that," he finally replied. It was even less a question. There weren't questions. They were connections. Confessions.

Asuka barely let him finish before she replied. "You never had many friends before you came here. No on ever wanted to just talk to you for you."

She knew... This was his life. And hers? "Your father never explained or apologized for why he just left you."

"No one even tried to understand your pain. No one cared." Her eyes were magnetic, her voice hypnotic.

"You miss her every day, but don't even have any pictures, barely any memories. No one tells you about her." He almost felt like it wasn't his own voice speaking anymore.

Her arms tightened around him even more, almost a desperate grip now. "And there was never any point in talking about it to anyone, because there was no one in the world who could understand what being an Evangelion Pilot was like," she said softly.
她的双臂更加紧地搂住他,现在几乎是绝望地抓紧他。“而且从来没有任何意义可以向任何人谈论它,因为世界上没有人能够理解成为一名 EVA 驾驶员是什么感觉,”她轻声说道。

Silence hung heavy between them. Shinji vaguely noticed they were breathing in synch, faces just inches apart.

"You're just like me."

He blinked. He wasn't sure which of them had started saying it first. Their synchronization training had left a mark.

Asuka blinked as well, but recovered faster. A smile started spreading across her face that left Shinji positively dazzled. Asuka's face was lit up, transformed by the look of happiness unlike anything he'd seen on her before. Not a smirk, not a cocky, superior grin, but a real, stunning smile. "You... you know. You're cute, you like me, you're a fantastic kisser, and you understand what it's like." Her arms squeezed him in a fierce hug. "You are mine, Third Child!"

She dipped her head to bring their lips together again. She was far more aggressive than before, but he met her just as eagerly. There was more than just the sheer hormonal rush this time. Now there was a dawning realization, a feeling of profound connection. She knew! He understood! I'm not alone!

Again, time disappeared for them. Shinji had no idea how long they kept going this time before something finally registered on his mind besides the hot, electric feel of the German redhead in his arms or the growing happiness that there was someone who could truly empathize with what he'd gone through.

Beep. Hiss. 哔。嘶。

Their eyes popped open simultaneously. That was the front door! Misato was home! Shit! They sprang to their feet and scrambled apart, hastily adjusting clothing and trying to hide red faces and mussed hair. Asuka dove for the TV's remote and turned it on. The NHK announcer began droning on about tomorrow's weather.

Baritone rumbles of a deeper male voice floated from the entrance way, mixing with Misato's slurred mumbles. Kaji had come home with her. They appeared in the doorway from the front all into the dining area where he and Asuka had begun their kiss. Misato's arm was slung around Kaji's shoulders and she was leaning heavily on him for support. Kaji's eyebrows went up as he spotted Shinji standing in the living room. "Yo, Shinji-kun. Give me a hand with her. She needs to get into bed."

"Ah, y-yes, Kaji-san." Shinji quickly moved to support Misato from her other side. Together they guided the stumbling Major towards her futon. Kaji gently removed her jacket and laid her down, brushing her hair out of her face, leaving her rapidly sinking into sleep comfortably arranged on her bedding.

Kaji looked at the NERV Operations Director fondly, a wistful smile on his face. He nodded to Shinji and Asuka. "Well, time for me to go. Goodnight, kids."

Asuka jerked in surprise, finally managing to look Kaji in the face. She'd spent the previous minute carefully keeping him from seeing how much she was still flushed. "You're not... going to stay the night? You could..."

Kaji smiled wryly and fluffed his wedding wear. "I'd get laughed at if I showed up to work tomorrow wearing this."

"But..." Asuka half-raised her hand and drifted after him as Kaji headed for the door. As Shinji moved to follow them and caught up to her, Asuka suddenly stopped and remained still as he and Kaji turned down the hall to the door.

Kaji smiled over his shoulder as he stepped out the door. "Please take care of Katsuragi. See you later, Shinji-kun. Goodnight."

"Goodnight." The door slid closed with another hiss-beep. Out of the corner of his eye, Shinji spotted Asuka standing at the end of the hallway near the dining area, a slightly sad look on her face. "What's wrong?"

"Lavender perfume," Asuka said. "Misato's. It was all over Kaji. They really are together again. I should have known. The whole trip here from Germany Kaji-san was talking about her and distracted, even when I tried to..." Asuka went red. "N-nevermind! I... it's late. We should... get into bed too." For some reason she turned redder.

Shinji tried not to let his shoulders slump. Whatever spell had been cast before, it seemed that now it was broken. The moment was gone. "Right," he muttered, dejected. He walked back to his room and changed into a pair of loose shorts and a light shirt for sleeping in. Before he got to his bed, he stopped in the middle of his room and closed his eyes. He allowed himself to spend a full minute reveling in the memories of how it felt to hold Asuka close and kiss her. He sighed both in enjoyment of the memory and sadness over the fact that that's all it was now. He reached for the covers to get into his bed.

"What are you doing?"

He froze and turned around. Asuka was standing in the door of his room, her arms folded, staring at him.

"I'm... getting into bed? Like you said?" he said, confused. "I..." He froze again. Her ever-present A-10 interface headset was missing. Her hair was down, and she'd apparently brushed it for bed. It haloed her head like a brilliant, smooth waterfall of fire. He had the sudden, intense desire to run his hands through it. It changed her whole look. He'd never seen her like this. It was utterly stunning. She looked even better.
“我……上床睡觉?就像你说的?”他困惑地说,“我……”他又僵住了。她那一直戴着的 A-10 界面耳机不见了。她的头发披散着,显然是已经梳理过了。它像一道光滑明亮的火瀑布,环绕着她的头部。他突然强烈地想要抚摸她的头发。这改变了她整个人的气质。他从未见过她这样。这简直太令人惊叹了。她看起来更美了。

"You're what? And what are you staring at now, Third?"

"Your...your hair... you're beautiful. I-I mean, I've only ever seen you without your A-10 headset after a shower. You look so different with it brushed out like that. It's amazing..."
“你……你的头发……你真漂亮。我……我的意思是,我以前只在洗澡后见过你没戴 A-10 头盔的样子。你把头发梳成那样,看起来完全不一样了。太棒了……”

Asuka's hands flew to her head. "I... leave it out to sleep. And I said we should get into bed, Third. Come on. Mine's bigger."

Shinji blanched. "What?! Us?! I-I-I... Asuka?" He did not resist, though, when she simply took him by the hand and led him across the narrow hallway into her room.

"Baka. We were interrupted. We were still talking. And I liked what we were doing." She stopped at the side of the bed, her back still to him, but still held on to his hand. "Not just the kissing, but the... the rest too. Being held, I mean. I felt warm when we were doing that, and I didn't feel alone. 'It's hard to sleep. You feel lonely and cold at night, because no one ever held you after that', you said." She finally turned around to face him again. "You know that feeling. I do too, and I don't like it. Have you ever felt so warm or good as you did when we were just doing that?"

Her expression was as open as he'd ever seen her. Her eyes searched his face, not hostilely, just... looking to find that feeling of connection again. His heart started pounding even harder than it had when she'd said 'we should get into bed'.

He gulped. "No. I haven't. Not for longer than I can remember," he said.

"Don't you want to keep feeling like that?"

He swallowed again. "Yes?" he answered tentatively.

Asuka just nodded. "I do too. And Misato is dead asleep, no one else is here and you're going to be the first one up anyhow. So if...we want to spend the night together to keep the cold and loneliness away, we can. No one will know but us. And I..." Asuka pinched her eyes shut and forced the words out. "I don't want to be alone... Shinji."

'This has to be a dream. This has to be a dream.' "Asuka, I... I don't want to be alone either, but... I'm scared," he admitted. His hand shook in hers. 'This has to be a dream... or a trick.'

"You're just like me," Asuka reminded him quietly, looking him right in the eyes. "You think I'm not too? But we're Eva Pilots." She managed an unsteady smile. "We can handle anything, right?"

She let go of his hand and sat down on the bed. She scooted over to give him room, then looked up at him, silently asking the question.

Shinji tried to make his body move, but he felt frozen solid. 'This has to be a dream!' He'd had dreams like this. Misato's words from the night before echoed in his head. 'Nothing will change unless you take that first step forward...' He made his right hand stop nervously clenching and releasing over and over. "Asuka... promise me this isn't a trick? This isn't some kind of game? You really mean all this?"

In response, Asuka just stared at him for a moment before pulling her loose yellow t-shirt over her head and throwing it behind him, well out of reach. "There. If we're caught, no pretending. Does that show you I'm serious enough? I mean all of this, Third Chil-... Shinji. I promise. Now get in here, baka! I'm cold!" She flopped down and pulled the blankets over her, her sapphire blue eyes still locked on his.

He just gaped at the alabaster vision he'd just seen, and slowly peeled his own shirt off to drop at his feet. He lifted the side of the sheets and slid into bed next to her, leaving a careful few centimeters between any actual points of touching her. He nearly levitated a meter up off the mattress when he felt her arms wrap around him and yank him into full flush contact.

"Mmmm...warm," Asuka whispered. "You feel warm. It's nice."

He felt warm, alright. He felt so warm he was faintly surprised that steam wasn't shooting out his ears. He felt positively dizzy. A small pinch on his side from Asuka brought him back down enough to realize she was talking to him. "When someone holds you, you're supposed to hold them too, baka." Her command was somewhat undercut by the blush lighting up her cheeks and inability to meet his eyes. Hesitantly, like he was about to hold a tiger with a toothache, Shinji worked his arms around her too. Her skin felt smoother than the finest silk under his fingertips. He could have sworn he felt electricity running under his hands. 'She's so warm,' he thought in wonder.

Asuka had stiffened herself when his arms first went around her, but abruptly melted into his embrace. After a long moment of just enjoying the feeling, she spoke up softly. "Isn't this better than cold and lonely?"

Shinji couldn't help but agree. His heart was still pounding a mile a minute, but at the same time he felt so comfortable and alive he didn't want to move. He nodded. "I like this."

"Me too." Asuka burrowed her face into his neck and lay quietly for a minute. "Shinji... promise me this isn't a dream? I don't... I don't want to wake up alone and hating everything again," she asked. "I don't want this to stop."

"You're just like me," he echoed back at her. "Asuka, I'm scared this is a dream, but I've never felt this good. I'll stay as long as you'll let me."

"Tonight. What about tomorrow? And the next day? I mean it, Shinji. I don't want this to stop. I don't want to wake up cold and lonely ever again."

Shinji tried to keep his heart from hammering its way out of his chest. Asuka, the fiery dynamo of confidence and energy, was asking him for... what? To stay with her? To be with her? Like she thought he might even refuse? If this was a dream, Shinji was going to stay in it as long as he could. "As long as you'll have me. I promise."

To his surprise, Asuka started to laugh. "Did... did I say something wrong?"

Asuka shook her head. "This is crazy. One kiss, and we're like this? One kiss and all of a sudden you're mister smooth? You sound so serious, like you're ready to... to..."

"Jump into a volcano for you?" Shinji suggested with a tiny smile.

Asuka snorted. "You started playing the cello and have spent years getting professionally good because no one told you to stop? Are you going to hold me the same way because I don't tell you to stop?" Her tone tried to be flippant, but even as bad as he was at reading most social cues Shinji could hear the serious, almost hopeful note underneath. She meant that question. And he honestly didn't know how to answer her.

Well, he knew how he wanted to answer her, but 'I want to help you somehow, and be with you forever' seemed a bit much to offer so quickly. Even if the German redhead had been on his mind all the time since they'd met, he was still hesitant to do anything that might make her pull away again. But he still didn't want to ever let go. He'd never felt this good in her life.

"I..." He swallowed. "I've never had anyone, Asuka. If you... like me, and want me to hold you and be there tomorrow, then... I'm not going to give that up until you make me. I like this. I like you. If... if you want me to hold you, I will, as long as you hold me too."

Asuka's jaw set more firmly at this. "Oh, I'm going to, Third Child. You're mine! I like this, and I'm not going to let anyone take that, or you, away from me. Not Angels, not NERV, not Misato, not Wondergirl, nobody. We live together, we train together, we fight together, and now..." She blushed again, but didn't lose his eyes. "We stay together. That sound good to you?"

He could only nod.

"You promise?" she pressed. "I think you might be a baka, but the kind of baka who keeps his promises. And I already count on you to fight the Angels with me. So do you promise?"

"I do. I-I mean, I promise. Together, you and me." The words thrilled him.

Asuka's eyes flickered with something he couldn't identify, and she looked like she wanted to say some things, but all she said was "Good." She pulled him closer for another kiss. Or he pulled her. Neither of them could tell.

Time went by. He couldn't tell how much. He didn't care. All that mattered was how it felt to hold someone that wanted him.

Um. How it felt. It felt good. Really good. Heading rapidly for too good, in fact. He reluctantly pulled back. He needed a second to get his brain to work enough to form words. "Um...Asuka?"

Her reply was just as dazed. "Umm?"

'Oh gods she feels good.' "Er... we... I... thermal expansion." He squeaked the words out in a tiny whisper, glad the dim moonlight of her room hid just how mortified he looked. "We... I'm almost..."

"Er... yeah. I can tell... you're... um... hard to miss." Her breathing was almost a pant. "I... we... can't. I mean... not... I'm..." Her whisper dropped even more. "We don't have any... um... protection."

Shinji nearly passed out. 'Did... did she really say... if we did...?"

"I mean... I... Misato has some in her room, maybe, I think..." she continued, half to herself. "Asuka!" He managed, barely, to keep it to an explosive whisper rather than a near-shout. "We... you're serious?!"

"Don't you dare try to tell me you're not interested or not thinking about it too, baka. You're not fooling anyone." She looked down between them. "But... no. Not... tonight. Not like this."

"You... you've thought about it?" he asked.

She gave him a stare that was simultaneously warm and sarcastic. "Tell me you haven't," she dared him.

Silence. 沉默。

"That's what I thought." She kissed him again. "Perv. I knew it."

"Hey, you just admitted you did too!"

"I didn't say it was a bad thing. And boy, we are not telling Misato about any of tonight."

"Any?" “任何?”

"You think the first thing she'd say wouldn't be something like 'Oh noes! You two have to be kept apart, lest naughty deeds ensue!'? She snorted again. "They treat us like kids, but we're soldiers. If we could die any day, any battle... I'm not going to let anyone tell me I'm not allowed to live first. If anyone finds out, they'd make us stop, and probably... probably make us live apart." She sounded very unhappy with the thought. "I bet they'd make me go room with Wondergirl or something. Blech. So we have to pretend we're... like before."

"Even to my friends? Or yours?"

"You think those Stooges could keep a secret like this? We'll just have to... act like we always do, in public."

"I suppose so..." “我想是这样……”

Asuka kissed him again, softer than before. "It won't be that bad, my baka-Shinji. When we're all alone..." Her lips curled into a wicked grin and she wiggled against him.

"Oh gods..." “哦,天哪……”

"When we're alone... you're all mine."


Morning had just begin to grey they pre-dawn skies when Shinji woke. He blinked blearily as he brushed strands of long red hair out of his face and wondered why his bed felt strange and he had some sort of weight on his chest. His eyes bugged wide as memory rushed in. 'Oh gods... that wasn't a dream?' He looked down without moving his head to confirm that, yes, the Second Child was wrapped firmly around him and using his chest for a pillow, smiling faintly in her sleep. 'Nope, that was really real. Oh gods...'

He carefully slid himself out from under her and got out of bed. She made unhappy noises as her warm 'body-pillow' was taken away, but quieted as he arranged the covers over her and she settled in to the warm spot he'd left.

He stood by the bed for a moment, burning the sight into his memory. Last night had really happened. All of it. Even the... He blushed. Even those parts. 'No protection doesn't mean there's nothing we can do, Third,' she'd said, and proved it. And even more than that, when they'd finally stopped to drift to sleep, she'd quietly whispered again 'I like you too.' That meant more to him than anything else they'd done.

"As long as you'll have me, I promise," he said softly. "Together, forever and always."

He turned and left to start preparing everyone's breakfasts and some hangover medicine for Misato. He missed a crystal blue eye cracking open wide with shock as she watched him leave.

Chapter 2 那么,明朝会?

Asuka felt warm. Comfy. Someone was holding her. She could hear a steady heartbeat right under her ear. This was nice. She didn't want to wake up. This was the first time she could remember in too long that she hadn't been dragged out of restless sleep by the alarm. She was being roused anyway, however, by the sudden increase in the pleasant heartbeat, and then the removal of the warmth she'd been cuddling. She mumbled sleepy complaints, but the warmth left anyway. She felt someone gently covering her with the blankets, and reluctantly burrowed into the warm spot on the mattress.

"As long as you'll have me, I promise," a soft voice said. "Together, forever and always."

'Oh, that sounds nice. I hate being lonely. Are they talking to me?' she mused drowsily. Wait, she knew that voice. She'd never heard it so soft or close before last night, though... Her eye not pressed into the sheets snapped open. 'Oh. Oh holy shit. That was real. We...' She could see the familiar back of the Third Child walking out of her room. Away from her bed. Where they'd spent the night... together. Eep.

The soft THAP of the door to her room sliding shut was like a starting pistol. Asuka bolted upright, her heart pounding. The sudden prickle of colder air on her skin and a quick glance down confirmed her memory of tossing her shirt across the room to prove to the Third she was serious. She had no idea where her shorts had ended up. She'd had other things on her mind at the time. She blushed as bright red as her Evangelion as memories of exactly what they'd done after that point flooded her waking mind. It was a good thing Misato had been totally knocked out and they had no neighbors!

She rapidly tossed on a change of clothes for the day, grabbed her A-10 headset, and cracked her door open. No one in sight. The faint sounds of her fellow Pilot beginning breakfast was the only thing she heard. No sign of Misato. Right. Go.
她迅速换好衣服,抓起 A-10 耳机,打开门。没人。她只听到同伴飞行员开始吃早餐的微弱声音。没有美里的迹象。对。出发。

She slipped out of her door and quietly made her way towards the kitchen. Unfortunately, the layout of the apartment meant she had to go through the dining area right off the kitchen in order to make the bathroom. But as long as Shinji had his back turned, she could make it there without him seeing her. She wouldn't have to look him in the eye yet. Which right now, sounded like a really good idea.

A few more steps and she could see him. He was facing the counter, making something for their breakfast. A quick, quiet dash and she was in the bathroom, the folding door snapped shut behind her. Safe.

The reflection in the mirror argued otherwise. The girl in the mirror looked like she was about to freak out. 'Okay, Soryu... WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED LAST NIGHT?!' She... it had worked. She'd finally gotten that dense, oblivious, blind baka to finally notice the fact she'd been trying to get him to react to her hints that she... kind of thought he was cute. A bit. And it had worked. She'd kissed him. He'd put his arms around her. They'd kissed some more. It had been really nice. They'd talked. Connected. They'd gone to bed together. They'd...

She clamped a hand over her mouth to halt a sudden mad giggle. They'd... done just about everything two teenagers could do without risking a surprise nine months later. And every bit had been as spectacular and dizzying as that first kiss. 'Who'd have thought the Third Child would be so good at this?' she wondered giddily. And most of all, he'd promised to be there again tonight. And the next night. And the next.

'Alright, Soryu, quit dodging the issue. Yeah, losing purity points was fun and you can't wait to do it again, but that's not why you're hiding in the bathroom, afraid to look him in the eye right now, is it? He... said things last night. Made promises. He just did it again. That stupid, clumsy, dense baka... likes you. And you like him. He understands what it feels like. He's just like you. You're not alone. And he wants to stay with you.' "Which is Gott damn terrifying..." she whispered out loud.

She could admit it now, in a slightly more self-conscious part of her mind. He was kind of cute. He was polite and self-effacing to the point it could drive her nuts, but he was also kind, gentle, and could be stupidly brave to almost ridiculous lengths when protecting others. 'He dove into a volcano without a second's thought to save me. No one's ever done anything even close to that for me.' He was an elite Eva Pilot, like her, a 'prime catch' as some of the other girls at school had quietly mentioned. He sometimes showed a spark of energy and anger when she'd pushed at him that secretly thrilled her, the way he would react to her, pushing to match her, making her push just as hard to stay ahead of him. He made her feel alive. He was... a good guy. He'd renewed his prmise this morning, when he must have thought she was asleep. He wasn't just saying things for her to hear. He meant it. And now he wanted to be with her.
现在,她可以在她意识中稍微自觉一点的部分承认了。他有点可爱。他很有礼貌,谦逊得让她抓狂,但他也很善良、温柔,在保护他人时,他可以勇敢得近乎荒谬。“他毫不犹豫地跳进火山救我。从来没有人为我做过类似的事情。” 他和她一样,是一位精英 EVA 驾驶员,正如学校里其他一些女孩悄悄提到的,“抢手货”。当她激怒他时,他有时会表现出活力和愤怒,这让她暗自兴奋,他会做出反应,努力与她匹配,让她更加努力地保持领先。他让她感觉自己活了过来。他是个……好人。今天早上,当他以为她睡着了的时候,他再次许下了诺言。他不仅仅是为了让她听到而说这些话。他是认真的。现在他想和她在一起。

Everything she could want. Pity she had no freaking idea what to do next. 'Okay, Soryu, you wanted to catch this tiger. Now you've got him. So now what? I didn't exactly have a plan for part two! Now I'm hiding in the bathroom because I'm afraid the minute we look at each other we're both going to go redder than my hair, Misato's going to figure it out, and make me go move in with Wondergirl. Then Shinji will realize he can do better than the nasty, useless pretend-Pilot I am and find someone else because every good thing in my life goes away and nobody wants me and...

"No!" she insisted at her reflection. "No no no! He promised! He likes me! He held me! I'm not letting this go!" All her hidden worries at not matching up to the Third Child still boiled up at her. She'd needed Shinji with her to beat Galghiel and Israfel. She'd beaten Sandalphon by herself... but Shinji had to save her life. Shinji had killed Matarael; she'd just been a meatshield. She'd gotten the killing blow on Sahaquiel... but only after Shinji had caught it himself. Not to mention the three Angels he'd killed before she even got here. Hell, Doctor Akagi had killed Iruel! The lab-coated old lady had as many solo Angel kills with a keyboard as she did in her Eva!
“不!”她对着自己的倒影坚持道。“不不不!他答应了!他喜欢我!他抱过我!我不会放弃的!”她所有隐藏的担心,因为配不上第三适格者而沸腾起来。她需要真嗣陪着她才能打败加尔加迪尔和伊斯拉菲尔。她独自打败了桑德尔丰……但真嗣必须救她一命。真嗣杀死了马塔拉尔;她只是个肉盾。她对萨基尔给予了致命一击……但那是真嗣自己抓住它之后。更不用说在她来到这里之前他杀死的三个使徒了。见鬼,赤木博士杀死了伊鲁尔!这位身穿实验室外套的老妇人用键盘杀死了与她在 EVA 中一样多的使徒!

She fought back. She was an elite Eva Pilot! She had no fear in battle! She was not going to let herself be afraid here! She'd been afraid last night, afraid Shinji would miss her hints again, but this time he'd answered! And it had been great! He'd promised they'd keep going! She stared into the mirror until the worried look faded away. The smile that replaced it was a bit fragile, but felt good.
她奋力反抗。她是一位精英 EVA 驾驶员!她在战斗中无所畏惧!她不会让自己在这里害怕!她昨晚很害怕,害怕真嗣会再次错过她的暗示,但这次他回答了!而且很棒!他答应他们会继续下去!她凝视着镜子,直到担忧的表情消失。取而代之的微笑有些脆弱,但感觉很好。

"He likes me. He thinks I'm beautiful. I'm here now, and I'm going to make him fight hard to keep up with me against the Angels. He's just like me. Anything 'Invincible Shinji-sama' can do, I can do too! And he's going to hold me no matter what! I can't lose!" She worked her A-10 headset in under her hair and started tying up the tails of her hair in the back to the receiver nodes before attacking it with brushes and combs to make it shine.
“他喜欢我。他觉得我漂亮。我现在就在这里,我要让他努力奋斗,与我一起对抗天使。他就像我一样。‘无敌真嗣大人’能做到的,我也能做到!无论如何,他都会抱着我!我不能输!”她把 A-10 耳机戴在头发下面,开始把头发的尾部绑在后面的接收器节点上,然后用刷子和梳子梳理头发,使之闪亮。

Finally satisfied with the results, she admired herself in the mirror. She preened. "He thinks I'm beautiful? I'm going to knock his socks off today!" She looked great. She turned to the bathroom door, took a deep breath, and opened it.

A zombie lurched at her. "Bathrooooom..." it moaned, arms blindly fumbling in front, reaching at her....

Asuka blanched. "AAAAAAA!"

Misato squinted her eyes shut even harder and slammed her hands over her ears. "AAAgh! Not so loud! And turn off that light! Oh gods, my head!"

Asuka staggered out of the way of the hungover Major and tried to bring her pulse back down. She'd nearly had a heart attack! Misato wobbled past her, still moaning. The bathroom door snapped shut behind her. Wait, that meant she was now in the dining area... Her eyes shot left.

There he was. He was walking out of the kitchen area with her breakfast on a tray. He looked up as she appeared, a smile breaking out on his face...

Which meant he was totally surprised when he walked right into the table and smashed his toe against the leg. He managed to plop the tray down on the table without spilling anything, but then started hopping around sputtering in pain and holding his mashed foot.

'Well, that was a nice anticlimactic way to start the day...' Asuka shook her head. If painful for Shinji, his accident had at least broken the ice. The smile he'd started to aim her way had also been reassuring. He had a nice smile, and it had appeared so automatically as soon as he'd seen her. Just like her own.

'Soryu, you'd better learn to get that under control if you liked last night. Misato figures out you and he are sweet on each other for real, and she'll start watching you like a hawk to keep anything like that from going on!' she warned herself. She grit her teeth. Right. Control. They had to be cool when others were around.

"Shinji?" “真嗣?”

Shinji looked up from rubbing his foot. He nervously smiled. "H-hi, Asuka. I mean, good morning. Um..." He trailed off, uncertain.

"We've only got as long as it takes Misato to shower and get back out here to talk, so we're going to have to be quick. Sit down."

Shinji sat down across from her, his hands restlessly flitting about in front of him. "Um... yes?"

"I... I heard you this morning."

Shinji blushed. "Er... I..."

"I... it's good, okay? I like it, that you would say that when you didn't think I could hear it. I know you meant it, just like... last night." She flushed some herself. "Yeah, all that stuff too but I mean... everything that we said. I meant it. And I'm glad you did too." He was starting to smile at her that way again. She started to match him, but stopped herself. "And I like it when you smile at me like that... but we've got to stop."

Shinji's face fell. "No..." he said, his voice hollow.

She reached across to grab his hand. "Not like that, baka! You are still holding me tonight, Third Child! You promised! What I mean is... we can't just... be all sunshine and smiles at each other like that. Not while Misato's around."

Shinji's desperate return grip on her hand eased. Color flooded back into his face. "Oh... right." He sighed in relief. "I... get it. I guess."

"I liked last night, Shinji. I woke up feeling good. I never wake up like that. I don't want it to stop, any of it. But if Misato catches us, that's the first thing she'll do, If she even finds out we're... that we really like each other, she'll be watching for it, So we can't let her catch us, or even suspect. And that means we've got to act like before, right?" Asuka argued.

"I suppose. At school too?" He regarded their hands with a slightly sad look. "I wish we didn't have to. I can hardly look at you without smiling now, Asuka." He looked up at her shyly. True to his word, he started to smile. "We're... we're alone when we walk to school, though, right? We can... maybe hold hands? For some of it?"

'Damn it, Shinji. Stop being so cute at me.' She cleared her throat. "Ahem! Maybe. If we're in a spot where no one can see us. We'll have to be careful. I don't want to end up having to live with Wondergirl, got it? Anyone sees us, and we'll have to deny it." She squeezed his hands one more time before pulling hers back. The warmth from his fingers was too seductive, and she knew if she let herself she'd just keep holding his until Misato came out and found them like that. "We're going to be like always at school, though. So... when I yell at you for being a baka... just... know that I don't really mean it, okay?"

"I... I know." Shinji nodded. "It's... it's okay. I get to see the real you at home. As long as I know... you're just like me."

A chill ran down her spine. 'The real me?' She suppressed it. 'Stop it. I am not useless. I am elite. He's going to have to keep up with me.' She kept her face calm. She let her hand snake back out to grab his again. His long, deft fingers easily intertwined with hers. She could almost feel the reassurance flowing through their clasp. "Just like me. Now let's eat and get moving before Miss Hangover has too much time to eyeball us."
发表于 2024-2-15 22:22:03 | 显示全部楼层
这个开头印象挺深的,因为当时我就试过机翻润色……难度比较大(当然当时AI也没有现在这样发达),所以在开头反复abandon >ᯅ<

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2024-2-24 02:28:33 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 Yalums 于 2024-2-24 13:48 编辑
Astral_Plane 发表于 2024-2-15 22:22
好文章。之前疯狂找eva同人时狠狠看过这篇,看到最新章节时可能只有几十个浏览,翻译是不用想了。当时还提 ...

我在 OneDrive 上传了 ai 翻译的版本,不过还有许多需要修正的地方:https://cutt.ly/QwNqdFV2

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